 >> 各国概况
 >> 欧洲
发布时间:2014-01-07    来源:
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概 况
国 名:南斯拉夫联盟共和国
Official Name: The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
国 旗:自上而下由蓝、白、红三个平行长方形组成。蓝、白、红是斯拉夫人喜爱的颜色。
国 歌:“嗨,斯拉夫人”
国 徽:为盾徽。盾中绘有一双头展翅雄鹰。鹰胸前有一红色盾牌。
Location: It lies in south-eastern Europe, bounded on the north by Hungary, on the east by Romania and Bulgaria, on the south by Macedonia and Albania, on the southwest by the Adriatic Sea, on the west by Bosnia and Herzegovina, on the northwest by Croatia.
面 积:102,173平方公里,海岸线长200公里。
Area: 102,173 sq.km, Coastline-200 km.
人 口:1055.5万(1995年);1059.7万(1997);1064万(2000)
Population: 10.555 m (1995); 10.597 m. (1997); 10.64 m. (2000)
density- 103.7 persons per sq.km. (1997); Population Growth Rate Minus 0.4%; Average Life Expectancy 74.0 years; Male 71.5 years; Female 76.5 years (2000).
首 都:贝尔格莱德;人口155.3万(1992年)
Capital: Belgrade; population- 1,553,000 (1992)
时 差:比格林尼治时间早1小时;比北京时间晚7小时。
Time: 1 hour earlier than GMT; 7 hours later than Beijing Time.
语 言:通用语言为塞尔维亚-克罗地亚语。
Language: The principal language is Serbo-Croat.
民 族:塞尔维亚族占62.2%,克罗地亚族占1.1%,穆斯林族占3.2%,阿尔巴尼亚族占16.5%,黑山族(门的内哥罗族)占5%,匈牙利族占3.2%和其他。
Ethnic Composition: Serb 62.2%; Croat 1.1%; Muslim 3.2%; Albanian 16.5%; Montenegrin 5%; Hungarian 3.2%; Other 4%.
宗 教:东正教、天主教和穆斯林。
Religion: Orthodox Roman Catholic and Muslim.
货 币:1个新南斯拉夫第纳尔=100帕拉;1美元=10.23新第纳尔(1998年12月)。
Currency: 1 New Dinar=100 paras; 1 U.S.$ =10.23 New Dinars (Dec. 1998)
节 日(2001年):新年(1月1-2日)、国庆日(4月27日)、劳动节(5月1-2日)、胜利日(5月9日)、共和国日(11月29-30日)。
Holidays (2001): Jan.1-2 (New Year), Apr.27 (Statehood Day), May 1-2 (Labour Days), May 9(Victory Day), Nov.29-30 (Republic Days).
Administrative Districts: The country consists of the following two Republics. (Chief Town): Montenegro (Podgorica) and Serbia (Belgrade); the Republic of Serbia contains two provinces
(Chief Town): Kosovo (Pristina) and Vojvodina (Novi Sad).
Major Cities: Belgrade, Podgorica, Niksic, Bar, Kragujevac, Nis (Nish), Novi Sad, Pristina, Subotica, Zrenjanin, Pancevo, Cacak.