 >> 各国概况
 >> 亚洲
发布时间:2014-01-06    来源:
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概 况
国 名:以色列国
Official Name:The State of Israel
国 旗:旗地为白色,上下各有一道蓝色宽带。白蓝两色来自犹太教徒祈祷时用的披肩。旗地白色部分中间是古以色列国王大卫王之星。
国 徽:为长方形盾徽,盾面呈蓝色,其中有一个七杈烛台,据说为耶路撒冷圣殿中点燃祭坛的物件。烛台以橄榄枝装饰,象征犹太人渴望和平。烛台下用希伯来文写着“以色列国”。
Location: Israel is located in western Asia, and lies on the eastern edge of the Mediterranean Sea. It is bordered by Lebanon to the north, Syria to the northeast, Jordan to the east and Egypt to the west.
面 积:1.49万平方公里(实际控制面积为2.8万平方公里)
Area: 14,900 sq. km. (However, it controls 28,000 sq. km.)
land use-21.50% cropland, 7.2% permanent pasture, 5.5% forest and woodland, 65.8% other (mostly desert); arable land per capita-0.2 acres; coastline-273.6 km., land borders-l,006.4 km.
人 口:598.7万(1998年9月统计)
Population: 5,987,000 (1998.9)
density-283 inhabits. per sq. km. (2000); urban pop.-97.8% ; growth rate per year-1.2% (2000); avg. life expectancy-78.3 years (2000).
首 都:1950年以色列将首都从特拉维夫迁往耶路撒冷。1980年以色列议会宣布耶路撒冷为以首都,但未得到联合国承认,绝大多数国家的使馆仍设在特拉维夫。耶路撒冷人口-60多万(2000年),特拉维夫人口-约38万(2000年)。
Capital: Israel has designated Jerusalem as the country's capital, but this is not recognized by UN and most countries,which maintain their embassies in Tel Aviv. Jerusalem
Population- more than 600,000 (2000),Tel Aviv - 380,000 (2000).
时 间:比格林尼治时间早2小时;比北京时间晚6小时。
Time: 2 hrs. earlier than GMT; 6 hrs. later than Beijing Time.
语 言:希伯莱语为宫方语言,阿拉伯语及英语也通用。
Language: Hebrew is the  official language. Arabic and English are also common.
民 族:犹太人占83%,非犹太人(主要是阿拉伯人)占17%。
Ethnic Composition: Jewish 83%, non-Jewish-17%(mainly Arab).
宗 教:犹太教占82%,穆斯林(主要为逊尼派)占14%,基督教占2%,德鲁兹派(穆斯林)占1%。
Religion: Jewish 82%; Moslem (mostly Sunni) 14%, Christian 2%; Druze 1%.
货 币:1新谢克尔=100新阿高洛;1美元=3.9814新谢克尔(2000年3月17日)。
Currency: 1 new shekel =100 new agorot; U.S.$ 1=3.9814 new shekel (2000.3.17).
节 日(2001年):逾越节(4月8-14日)、独立日(4月28日)、七七节(5月28日)、犹太人新年(9月18-19日)、赎罪日(9月27日)、共和国节(10月2-8日)。(犹太人的节日和斋戒日在上述日子的晚上开始。伊斯兰教节日由阿拉伯穆斯林纪念,基督教节日由阿拉伯基督徒纪念。)
Holidays (2001): Apr.8-14 (Passover), Apr.28 (Independence Day), May 28 (Shavuot), Sept.18-19 (Rosh Hashanah, Jewish New Year), Sept.27 (Yom Kippur), Oct.2-8 (Succot).(The Jewish festivals and fast days commence in the evening of the dates given. Islamic holidays are observed by Muslim Arabs, and Christian holidays by the Christian Arab Community.)
Administrative Districts- 6 Districts.
Districts (Capitals): Central (Ramla), Haifa (Haifa), Jerusalem (Jerusalem), Northern (Tiberias), Southern (Beesheba), Tel Aviv (Tel Aviv-Jaffa).
Major Cities: Jerusalem , Tel Aviv-Jaffa, Haifa, Holon.