 >> 各国概况
 >> 亚洲
发布时间:2014-01-06    来源:
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概 况
国 名:也门共和国
Official Name:The Republic of Yemen
国 旗:国旗由红、白、黑三色组成。红、白、黑为平行颜色,红色在上,黑色在下,白色居中。
Location: Located in the southwestern corner of the Arabian Peninsula, the Republic of Yemen is bordered by Saudi Arabia to the north, Oman to the northeast, the Red Sea to the west, and the Gulf of Aden to the south。
面 积:53.18万平方公里
Area: 531,800 sq.km.
Land use - 7.43% cropland;63.12% permanent pasture; 12.93% forests and woodland; 16.52% other; arable land per capital-0.87 acres; coastline-1905 km; land borders - 3438km.
人 口:1648.3万(1997年);1850万(2000)
Population: 16.483 m. (1997); 18.5 m. (2000)
density-87 inhabits. per sq. mile (2000); urban pop.-33.6 % (1995); growth rate per year-3.5%(2000), average life expectancy-55.3(male-55.0; female-55.5)years(2000).
首 都:萨那;人口-128万(1998年)。
Capital: Sanna; Population - 1,280,000 (1998).
时 差:比格林尼治时间早3小时;比北京时间晚5小时。
Time: 3 hours earlier than GMT; 5 hours late than Beijing Time.
语 言:通用阿拉伯语。
Language: Arabic is the official and universal language.
民 族:主要是阿拉伯人。
Ethnic Composition: the population is principally Arab.
宗 教:伊斯兰教。
Religion: Islam is official religion.
货 币:1也门里亚尔=100费尔;1美元=136.66也门里亚尔(1998年12月)
Currency: 1 Yemen riyal (rial)=100 fils,  1 US dollar=136.66 Yemen riyals (Dec.1998).
节 日(2001年):新年(1月1日)、宰牲节(3月6日)、国际妇女节(3月8日)、*伊斯兰教新年(3月26日)、阿术拉节(4月4日)、劳动节(5月1日)、*穆罕默德诞辰(6月4日)、革新运动纪念日(6月13日)、国庆日(10月14日)、*穆罕默德升天日(10月15日)、斋月开始(11月17日)、*开斋节(12月17日)。
Holidays(2001) Jan.1 (New Year's Day), Mar.6 (*Id al-Adha-Feast of the Sacrifice), Mar.8 (International Women's Day), Mar.26 (*Islamic New Year), Apr.4 (Ashoura), May 1 (Labour Day), Jun.4 (Mouloud, Birth of the Prophet), Jun.13 (Corrective Movement Anniversary), Oct. 14 (National Day), Oct.15 (Leilat al- Meiraj, Ascension of the Prophet), Nov.17 (Ramadan begins), Dec.17 (*Id al-Fitr-end of Ramadan).
*These holidays are dependent on Islamic lunar calendar.
Major Cities: Sanna, al-Huldaydah (Hodeida), Ta'iz, Haj, Baida, Aden, al-Mokalla.