 >> 各国概况
 >> 亚洲
发布时间:2014-01-06    来源:
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概 况
国 名:中华人民共和国
Name:The People's Republic of China
Location:The People's Republic of China is situated in the eastern Asia on the west coast of the Pacific.It has a Land boundary with 15 neighbouring countries:the State of Mongolia to the north, Korea to the  northeast,Russia,Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, Tadzhikstan to the northeast and northwest, Afhganistan and Pakistan to the west and India, Nepal, Sikkim,Bhutan, Myanmar, Laos and Vietnam to the south, China is flanked by the Bohai Sea, the Huanghai Sea (Yellow Sea), the East China Sea and the South China Sea.
面 积:约960万平方公里
Area:about 9,600,000 sq.km.
land use-10.4% cropland,42.9% permanent pasture,13.6% forests and woodland,33.1% other;arable land per capita-1.29 acres;coastline-about 16,500 km.; land borders-more than 20,000 km.
人 口:12.481亿(1998年);12.6亿(不含香港、澳门特别行政区和台湾地区)(1999);12.95亿(2001)
Population:1,248.1 m.(1998);1,260 m. (1999);1295 m. 2001)
density-132 inhabits. per sq.km(1998);urban pop. -36.09%(2001) ; growth rate.-1.523% per year (2000);avg. life expectancy-71.8 years(2000).
首 都:北京:人口-1280万(2000);1382万人(20001)
Capital: Beijing;population- 12.8 m.(2000);13.28 m.(2001)
时 差:比格林尼治时间早8小时
Time: 8 hrs. earlier than GMT.
语 言:以普通话为基础的汉语。回族、满族和畲族通用汉语,其余各族使用自己的民族语言或汉语。
Language: Han language, based on the Beijing dialect, is the principal language. The Hui, Manchu and She nationalities use Han language, while others use their own spoken and written languages or Han.
民 族:全国共有56个民族,其中汉族占总数的91.59%。壮、维吾尔、回、彝、藏、苗、满、蒙古、布依、朝鲜等民族占8.41%。(2001)
Ethnic Composition: total 56 nationalities in China.Han-91.59%; Zhung,Uygur,Hui,Yi,Tibetan,Miao,Manchu,Mongol,Buyi,Korean and others-8.41% (2001).
宗 教:主要有佛教、道教、伊斯兰教、基督教新教和天主教等。
Religion: Buddhism,Taoism,Islam,Protestantism and Roman Catholicism.
货 币:1元=10角=100分;1美元=8.2777元(2000.3.17)
Currency: 1 yuan=10 Jiao=100 fen; 1 U.S.dollar=8.2777 Chinese yuan (Mar.,17,2000).
节 日(2001):新年(1月1日)、春节(1月24-27日)、国际劳动妇女节(3月8日)、植树节(3月12日)、国际劳动节(5月1日-3日)、青年节(5月4日)、儿童节(6月1日)、中国共产党诞生日(7月1日)、建军节(8月1日)、教师节(9月10日)、国庆节(10月1日-3日)。
Holidays (2001): Jan.1 (New Year's Day),Jan.24-27(Spring Festival),Mar.8(International Women's Day),Mar.12(National Tree Planting Day),May 1-3 International Labor Day),May 4 (Youth Day),June 1(Children”s Day),July 1(CPC Birthday), Aug.1 (Army Day), Sept.10 (Teacher's Day),Oct.1-3(National Day).
Administration Division: China is divided into 4 municipalities, 5 autonomous regions and 23 provinces.1 special administrative region.
Municipalities: Beijing,Tianjin,Shanghai,Chongqing;
Autonomous Regions (Captial):Inner Mongolia (Huhhot),Guangxi (Nanning),Xizang or Tibet (Lhasa),Ningxia (Yinchuan), Xinjiang (Urumqi);Provinces (Capital): Hebei (Shijiazhuang), Shanxi (Taiyuan), Liaoning (shenyang), Julin (Chang- Chun), Heilongjiang (Harbin), Jiangsu (Nanjing), Zhejiang (Hangzhou), Anhui (Hefei), Fujian (Fuzhou),Jiangxi (Nanchang), Shandong (Jinan), Henan (Zhengzhou), Hubei (Wuhan), Hunan (Changsha), Guandong (Guangzhou), Hainan (Haikou), Sichuan (Chengdu), Guizhou (Guiyang), Yunnan (Kunming), Shaanxi( Xi'an), Gansu (Lanzhou), Qinghai (Xining), and Taiwan。═aibei).Hongkong Special administative region (Hongkong) and Macao Special administative region (Macao).
Major Cities: Beijing,Shanghai,Tianjin,Shengyang,Wuhan,Guangzhou,Chongqing,Harbin,Chengdu,Xi'an,Kunming,Taibei.