 >> 各国概况
 >> 亚洲
发布时间:2024-03-04    来源:
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概 况
国 名:卡塔尔国
Official Name: The State of Qatar
国 旗:国旗由巧克力色和白色组成。靠旗杆一边为白色,旗地两色连接处带锯齿形状。
国 徽:由两个同心圆组成。小圆里由两把弯刀构成弧形,内含海水、帆船和棕榈树,象征着海上贸易、渔业生产及丰富的资源。大圆下半部为深褐色,上半部为白色,其中用阿拉伯文写着“卡塔尔国”。
Location: Qatar sits on a peninsula that projects northward from the Arabian mainland and on the west coast of the Persian Gulf. It is bordered by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates on the south.
面 积:11437平方公里
Area: 11,437 sq. km.
land use- 0.27% cropland, 4.55% permanent pasture, 95.18% other (mostly desert), arable land per capita 0.27% acres; coastline- 563.15 km; land borders- 59.53 km.
人 口:59.9万(2000)
Population: 599,000(2000)
density-136 inhabits. per sq. mile (2000), urban pop- 91.4% (1995); growth rate- 1.5% per year (2000), avg. life expectancy- 73.2(male-71.6; female-76.9) years (2000).
首 都:多哈;人口-约26.4万人(1997)
Capital: Doha; population- 264,000 (1997)
时 差:比格林尼治时间早4小时;比北京时间晚4小时。
Time: 4 hrs. earlier than GMT; 4 hrs. later than Beijing time.
语 言:阿拉伯语为官方语言,通用英语。
Language: Arabic is the official language, but English is also spoken.
民 族:阿拉伯人占40%;巴基斯坦人占18%,印度人占18%,伊朗人占10%,其他民族占14%。
Ethnic composition: Arab-40%; Pakistani- 18%; Indian-18%; Iranian-10%, other-14%.
宗 教:穆斯林占95%,卡塔尔本地人多数属逊尼派中的瓦哈比教派,其他信仰者占5%。
Religion: Moslem- 95%; other- 5%. Native Qataris are mainly Sunni Moslems of the strictly orthodox Wahhabi sect.
货 币:1卡塔尔里亚尔=100迪拉姆,1美元=3.64卡塔尔里亚尔(1999年3月31日)。
Currency: 1 Qatar riyal = 100 dirhams; US $ 1 = QR 3.64 (Mar.31, 1999).
节 日(2001年):*宰牲节(3月6日)、*伊斯兰新年(4月4日)、埃米尔就职纪念日(6月27日)、
国庆节(9月3日)、*穆罕默德升天日(10月15日)、斋月开始 (11月17日)、*开斋节(12月17日)。
Holidays(2001): Mar.6 (*Id al-Adha, Feast of the Sacrifice), Apr.4 (*Islamic New Year), Jun. 27 (Anniversary of the Emir's Accession), Sepr.3 (National Day), Oct.15 (*Leilat al-Meiraj, Ascension of the Prophet), Nov.17 (Ramadan begins), Dec.17 (*Id al-Fitr, end of Ramadan).
* These holidays are dependent on the Islamic lunar calendar.
Administrative Districts-9 Municipalities: Doha, al Guwayrvah, Jerian al-Batnah, al-Jumayiyah, al-Khawr, ar-Rayyan, ash-Shamal, Umm as-Silal, al-Wakrah.
Major Cities: Doha, Umm Said.