 >> 各国概况
 >> 非洲
发布时间:2024-06-20    来源:
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概 况
国 名:尼日尔共和国
Official Name: The Republic of Niger
国 旗:尼日尔的国旗由橙、白、绿三个相等平行长方形从上到下依次排列构成。橙色象征沙漠,白色象征纯洁,绿色象征富饶美丽的土地,也表示博爱和希望。白色部分中间为一橙色的圆轮,它既象征太阳,又象征尼日尔人民为保护自己的权利而不惜牺牲的精神。
国 徽:中间为盾面,两侧各有两面尼日尔国旗,后面下方为一绶带。盾面正中是太阳,右上角是粟穗,象征农业;下方是水牛头,象征畜牧业;左上角是矛和剑,象征尼日尔古老的王国和悠久的历史。绶带上用法文写着“尼日尔共和国”。
自然地理:西非内陆国,北与阿尔及利亚和利比亚接壤,南同尼日利亚和贝宁交界,西与马里和布基纳法索毗连,东同乍得相邻,全国4/5地区属撒哈拉沙漠,余下的1/5是热带草原,地势北高南低。东南部乍得湖盆地、西南部尼日尔河盆地地势均较低平,为农业区;中部多高原,海拔500-1000米,为游牧区;东北部为沙漠区,占全国面积60%, 地势起伏不平,多沙丘凹地,孤山兀岭和沙石峭壁,北部的格雷本山海拔1997米,为全国最高点。尼日尔河在尼境内长约550公里,是尼日尔的生命线。尼日尔是世界上最热国家之一。北部属热带沙漠气候,南部属热带草原气候,年平均气温30℃,5月份平均气温43℃。首都年平均气温28.9℃。6-9月为雨季,10-5月为旱季。年平均降水量北部20-175毫米,南部550-750毫米。
Location:Niger is a land-locked country in western Africa, with Algeria and Libya to the north,Nigeria and Benin to the south, Mali and Burkina Faso to the west, and Chad to the east.Four-fifths of Niger is an ariddesert; the remaining fifth is savanna. vast ares in
the North are characterized by the same relief; sandy basins, low plateaus , isolted hills and peaks and sand -stone bluffs. the Grebown mountains in the Northwest, rising 1997 meters above sealevel, is the highest peak of the country. The lifeline of the country is the Niger River, which flows through the south for 550 kilometers. Niger is one of the hottest regions on the globe with temperatures often rising to 50℃. Temperature averages 30℃ annually and 43℃ in May. From October to May the weather is dry and the wet season lasts from June to September. Rainfall averages 20 -175 mm in the North and 550-750mm in the South.
面 积:1267627平方公里
Area: 1,267,627 sq. km.
   Land use-2.9% cropland, 7.0% permanent pasture, 1.6% forests and   woodland, 88.5% other (mostly desert); arable land per capita-1.1 acres; land borders - 5,699 km.
人 口:980多万(2000年),密度-每平方公里7.8人(2000年);城市人口占19.5%;年增长率3.1%(2000年);平均寿命51.6岁(2000年)。
Population:9,800,000 (2000)
Density-7.8 inhabs. per sq. km. (2000); urban pop.-19.5% ; growth rate per year-3.1% (2000); avg. life expectancy-51.6 years (2000).
首 都:尼亚美;人口-54万多(2000年)
Capital: Niamey; Population-more than 540,000 (2000)
时 差:比格林尼治时间早1小时;比北京时间晚7小时
Time: 1 hour earlier than GMT; 7 hours later than Beijing Time.
语 言:法语为官方语言,通用豪萨语和哲尔马语
Language: French is the official language, Hausa and Djerma are more widely spoken.
民 族:豪萨族占56%,哲尔马族占22%,富拉族占8.5%,图阿雷格族占8%,贝里贝里族占4.3%,其他占1.2%
Ethnic Composition: Hausa 56%, Djerma 22%, Fula 8.5%, Tuareg 8%, Beri Beri 4.3%, other 1.2%.
宗 教:伊斯兰教占80%,其它宗教(主要为非洲原始宗教)占20%
Religion: Muslim 80%, other (mostly indigenous beliefs)20%.
货 币:1非洲金融共同体法郎(简称非洲法郎)=100分;1美元=626.7非洲法郎(1999年9月)
Currency: 1 CFA franc =100 centimes; 1 U.S.dollar=626.7 CFA francs (Sep. 1999)
节 日(2001年):新年(1月1日)、宰牲节(3月6日)、伊斯兰新年(3月26日)、复活节后的星期一和1974年政变纪念日(4月16日)、全国协和日(4月24日),劳动节(5月1日)、穆罕默德诞生日(6月4日),独立日(8月3日)、开斋节(12月17日)、共和国日(12月18日)、圣诞节(12月25日)。
Holidays (2001): Jan. 1 (New Year's Day), Mar. 6 (Id al-Adha-Feast of the Sacrifice), Mar. 26 (Islamic New Year), Apr. 16 (Easter Monday and anniversary of the 1974 coup d'etat),  Apr.24 (National Concord Day), May 1 (Labor Day), June 4 (Birth of the Prophet), Aug. 3 (Independence Day), Dec.17 (Id al-Fitr-end of Ramadan), Dec.18 (Republic Day), Dec.25 (Christmas).
Administrative Districts: 7 Departments.
Departments (Capital): Agadez (Agadez), Diffa (Diffa), Dosso(Dosso), Maradi(Maradi), Niamey(Niamey), Tahoua(Tahoua), Zinder(Zinder).
Major cities: Niamey, Zinder, Maradi, Tahoua, Agadez