概 况
国 名:瑞典王国
Official Name: The KingdomofSweden
国 旗:为蓝色,黄色十字略向左侧。蓝、黄两色来自瑞典皇徽的颜色。
国 徽:大国徽为斗篷式,饰有王冠的蓝盾被黄十字一分为四。左上和右下部绘有3顶王冠;右上和左下部绘有戴王冠的金狮。大盾中有一小盾,左面由蓝、银白、红三色斜纹和一个金瓶组成;右面绘有一个城堡式的钟楼和一只金鹰。蓝盾两旁是金狮,下端为勋章。小国徽为一带王冠的蓝盾,盾面上3顶金冠是瑞典王国之象征,也象征着当年组成卡尔马联盟的丹麦、瑞典和挪威。
国 歌:《你古老的光荣的北国山乡》
国 鸟:乌鸫(百舌)
国 石:小晶
Location:Sweden lies on the east part of Scandinavian Peninsula in northern Europe. It isbordered by Finland to the northeast, Norway to the northwest and west. theBaltic Sea to the east and the North Sea to the southwest.
面 积:449964平方公里
Area:449,964 sq. km.
land use- 6.2% cropland, 1.2% permanent pasture, 62.3%forest and woodland, 30.3% other; arable land per capita-0.9 acres; coastline-about 7,624 km; land borders-2,196.285km.
人 口:8888888(2000年5月22日瑞典中央统计局宣布最新统计)
Population:8,884,000 (2000.12.28)
density: 19.6 inhabs. per sq. km. (2000); urbanpop.-84.7% ; growth rate per year-0.3% (2000); avg life expectancy- 80.1 yrs;male- 77.5 years, female 82.1 years.
首 都:斯德哥尔摩;人口:73万(2000年)
Capital :Stockholm; population- 730,000
时 差:比格林尼治时间早1小时;比北京时间晚7小时。
Time: 1 hourearlier than GMT; 7 hours later than BeijingTime.
语 言:瑞典语为国语。
Language: Swedish is the nationallanguage.
民 族:瑞典人占95%,芬兰人占2%,其它占3%。
Ethic Composition: Swedish 95%,Finnish 2%, other 3%.
宗 教:基督教路德宗占94.0%,罗马天主教占1.5%,其它占4.5%。
Religion:Evangelical Lutheran 94.0%, Roman Catholic 1.5%, other4.5%.
货 币:克朗;1克朗=100欧尔;1美元=8.6616克朗(2000年3月17日)
Currency: krona (pl.kronor); 1 krona=100 ore; 1U.S.dollar=8.6616kronor
节 日(2001年):新年(1月1日)、主显节(1月8日)、耶稣受难日(4月13日)、复活节(4月16日),五一节(5月1日),耶稣升天节(5月24日),圣神降临节(6月4日),夏日节(6月26日)、万圣节(11月3日),圣诞节(12月25日)、圣斯蒂芬日(12月26日)。
Holidays: Jan.1 (New Year's Day), Jan 8, (Epiphany), Apr.13 (Good Friday), Apr.16(Easter Monday), May 1 (May Day), May 24 (Ascension Day), June 4 (Whit Monday),Jun 26 (Midsummer Holiday),Nov.3 ( All Saints' Day), Dec. 25 (Christmas Day).Dec 26 (St. Stephen'sDay).
AdministrativeDistricts-24 Counties
Counties (Capitals): Aelvsborg (Vaenersborg),Blekinge (Karlskrona), Gaevleborg (Gaevla), Goeteborg and Bohus (Goeteborg),Gotland (Visby), Halland (Halmstad), Jaemtland(Oestersund), Joenkoeping(Joenkoeping) Kalmar (Kalmar), Kopparberg (Falun), Kristianstad (Kristianstad),Kronoberg (Vaexjoe), Malmoehus (Malmoe), Norrbotten (Lulea), Oerebro (Oerebro),Oestergoetland (Linkoeping), Skaraborg (Mariestad), Soedermanland (Nykoeping),Stockholm (Stockholm), Uppsala (Uppsala), Vaermland (Karlstad), Vaesterbotten(Umea), Vaesternorrland (Haernoesand), Vaestmaland(Vaesteros).
MajorCities: Stockholm, Goeteborg, Malmo, Uppsala, Norrkoeping, Vasteras, Orebro,Linkoeping.