 >> 各国概况
 >> 大洋洲
发布时间:2014-01-07    来源:
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概 况:
国 名:密克罗尼西亚联邦
Official Name: The Federated States of Micronesia
国 旗:兰色旗,旗地中央有4颗白色的五角星。
Location: Micronesia Part of the Caroline Islands, Consists of Move than 600 islands and atolls, extending for some 2900 km It lies in the Western Pacific, approximately 4,587 km. southwest of Hawaii and 870 km. southeast of Guam and 800 km. east of the Philippines, with Palau to the west and Marshall Islands to the east.
面 积:705平方公里(陆地面积)
Area: 705 sq. km. (land area)
人 口:11.9万(2000)
Population: 119,000 (2000)
density - 181 inhabits. per sq. km. (1998); urban pop. - 26%; growth rate per year - 2.5%; avg. life expectancy - male 70.6 years, female 77.3 years.
首 都:帕利基尔(在波纳佩岛)
Capital: Palikir, on Pohnpei;
时 差:比格林尼治时间早10小时;比北京时间早2小时。
Time: 10 hours earlier than GMT, 2 hours earlier than Beijing Time.
语 言:通用英语,居民也普通使用当地语言,包括卡平加—马兰吉语、科斯雷语、努库奥罗语、波纳佩语、楚克语、乌利蒂语和雅浦语。
Language: English is widely spoken, but there are also numerous indigenous languages, including Kapingamarangi, Kosraen, Nukuoran, Ponapean, Chuukese, Ulithian and Yapese.
民 族:楚克人占41·1%,波纳佩人占25·9%,莫特劳克人占8·3%,科斯雷人占7·4%,雅浦人6%,乌利蒂人占4%,莫基勒人占1·2%,西楚克人占1%,帕劳人占0·4%,菲律宾人占0·2人%,其他人种占4·5%。
Ethnic Composition: Trukese- 41.1%, Pohnpeian-25.9%, Mortlockese-8.3%, Kosarean-7.4%, Yapese-6$, Ulithian-4.0%, Morgilese-1.2%, Western Chuukese -1%, Palauan-0.4%, Filipino-0.2%, other- 4.5%.
宗 教:基督教是主要的传统宗教,科斯雷人、波纳佩人和楚克人多为新教徒。雅浦人多为罗马天主教徒。
Religion: Christianity is the predominant religious tradition, with the Kosraeans, Pohnpeians, and Chuukese being mostly Protestant and Yapese mostly Roman Catholic.
Administrative Districts: Composed of 4 states (Yap. Chuuk, Pohn Pei, Kosrae)
节 日:(2001):新年(1月1日)、宪法日(5月10日)、联合国日(10月24日)、独立日(11月3日)、圣诞节(12月25日)
Holiday (2001): 1 Jan. (New Year's Day); 10 May (Constitution Day); 24 Oct. (United Nations Day); 3 Nov. (Independence Day); 25 Dec. (Christmas Day)