 >> 各国概况
 >> 大洋洲
发布时间:2014-01-07    来源:
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概 况
国 名:基里巴斯共和国
Official Name: The Republic of Kiribati
国 旗:旗地上部为红色,下部为蓝色,三道白色波浪形宽带与蓝地形成白、蓝相间的图案。红色部分中间是一轮冉冉升起的金色太阳,太阳上面是一只金色展翅飞翔之鸟,一种热带的“军舰鸟”(是军舰鸟科各种类的通称,是大型海鸟),它象征力量、白由和基里巴斯的文化。蓝色和白色象征基里巴斯周围的太平洋和波浪。
Location: Kiribati is situated in the Central Pacific around the point where the International Dateline cuts the Equator. It consists of 3 groups of coral atolls and one isolated volcanic island. These islands are scattered within an area of about 5 m sq. km., extending about 3780 km.. from east to west and about 2050 km. from north to south. Its nearest neighbors are Nauru to the west and Tuvalu to the south.
The climate is equatorial or tropical, with daytime temperatures varying between 26℃ and 32℃. Average annual rainfall, however, varies greatly, from 3,000 mm in the northern islands to 1,500 mm in Tarawa and 700 mm in the Line islands.
面 积:810·5平方公里。
Area: 810.5 sq.km.
land use -50.7% cropland,0% permanent pasture; 5.4% forest and woodland;43.9% other(mostly coral sand and rock); 50.7% arable land; arable land per capita 1.3 acres; coastline-1,142 km.
人 口:8.3万(2000)
密度—每平方公里103人(2000预测);城市人口占33.49%;年增长率1.8%(1998);平均寿命—62.6岁(1998)。男性平均寿命—60.7岁(1998 );女性平均寿命-64.6岁(1998)。
Population:83,000 (2000)
density-103 per sq. km.(2000 estimate); urban pop. -33.4%; growth rate -1.8% per year(1998); avg. life expectancy -62.6 years (1998 ).avg. life expectancy (male )-60.7 years (1998 ); avg. life expectancy ( female )-64.6 years (1998 ).
首 都:塔拉瓦;人口—3万(1997)
Capital: Tarawa; population -30,000
时 差:比格林尼治时间早12小时;比北京时间早4小时。
Time: 12 hours earlier than GMT; 4 hours earlier than Beijing Time.
语 言:官方语言为英语,通用基里巴斯语(吉尔伯特语)和英语。
Language: English is the official language, I-Kiribati ( Gilbertese) and English are widely spoken.
民 族:绝大多数居民为密克罗尼西亚人(占总人口的90%),其余为波利尼西亚人和欧洲移民。
Ethnic Composition: Kiribatians are mostly Micronesian, although some are Polynesian. and European
宗 教:52.6%的居民信奉罗马天主教,40.9%信奉基里巴斯新教,6.5%信奉其它宗教。
Religion: Roman Catholic -52.6%, Kiribati Protestant -40.9%, other -6.5%.
货 币:使用澳大利亚货币,1澳元=100分;1美元=1·62澳元(1998年12月)。
Currency: Australian Currency, 1 Australian dollar ($A)=100 cents; 1 US dollar=$A 1.54 (May 1998).
节 日(2001年):新年(1月1日)、复活节(4月13—16日)、健康日(5月18日)、国庆日(7月12-16日)、青年节(8月3日)、人权日(12月10日)、圣诞节(12月25日至26日)。
Holidays(2001): Jan.1 (New Year's Day), Apr.13-16 (Easter), May 18 ( Health Day), July 12-16 (National Day Celebrations), Aug.3 (Youth Day ), Dec.10 (Human Rights Day), Dec.25-26 (Christmas).
Administrative Districts: divided for administrative purpose into 3 Islands Groups.
Islands Groups (Capital): Gilbert Group (Bairiki Islet), Line Group(Kiritimati), Phoenix Group (Kanton).