概 况:
国 名:马绍尔群岛共和国
Official Name: The Republic of the Marshall Islands
国 旗:旗地为蓝色,从旗杆一侧下角至旗飘上角有红、白两道呈放射形的长条。由蓝、红、白色组成。左上角绘有一轮白色太阳。太阳放射着24道光芒,象征这个国家的24个市政区域。
国 徽:为圆形徽。圆面中间是一只展开双翼的海鸟。海鸟上方是一轮太阳。太阳右下侧是鱼网,象征这个国家丰富的渔业资源和有较大发展潜力的渔业。太阳左下侧是石头,象征当地人用此作为工具,制作手工艺品。海鸟右侧一艘帆船象征这个岛国的航海和捕鱼业,左侧的椰子树表示这个岛国重要的经济作物。海鸟下方的图案是航海的导航工具。圆周的上半部用英文写着"马绍尔群岛共和国"。
Location: Marshall Islands lies within the area of the Pacific Ocean known as Micronesia, about 3,200 km. southwest of Hawaii and about 2,100 km. southeast of Guam, with the Federated States of Micronesia to its west. It consists of two groups of islands, the Ratak and Ralik chain, comprising 31 atolls.
面 积:181平方公里
Area: 181 sq. km.
人 口:6.4万(2000)。
Population: 64,000(2000)
density - 325 inhabits. per sq. km. (1998); growth rate per year - 3.9%; avg life expectancy-63.1 years (males-63.1 years, females-64.9 years) (1995-2000)
首 都:马朱罗,人口2·9万(1997)。
Capital: Majuro; population; 29,000
时 差:比格林尼治时间早12小时;比北京时间早4小时。
Time: 12 hours earlier than GMT; 4 hours earlier than Beijing Time.
语 言:马绍尔语为官方语言,通用英语。
Language: Marshallese is the official language. English is widely spoken.
民 族:大多数居民属于密克罗尼西亚人种。
Ethnic Composition: Most of the population of the Marshall Islands is Micronesian.
宗 教:主要是基督教,多数为罗马天主教徒
Religion: Most of the population are Christian, with a majority being Roman Catholic.
货 币:使用美国货币;1美元=100美分。
Currency: US Currency; 1 US dollar = 100 cents
Administrative Districts: The Marshall Islands are divided for administrative purposes into municipalities and villages.