 >> 各国概况
 >> 大洋洲
发布时间:2014-01-07    来源:
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概 况:
名 称:新喀里多尼亚
Name: New Caledonia
Location: New Caledonia is situated in the Southwest Pacific, lying south and slightly weet of Vanuatu. It comprises the island of New Caledonia and various outlying islands (mainly the Loyalty Islands, the Island of Pines and the Belep Archipelago).
面 积:19,103平方公里;其中,新喀里多尼亚岛16750平方公里;洛亚蒂群岛2353平方公里。
Area: 19,103 sq. km. New Caledonia island (la Grande-Terre) 16,750 sq km; Loyalty Islands 2,353 sq. km (Lifou 1,150 sq, km , Mare 650 sq. km , Ouvea 130 sq. km )
land use - 37.7% forested, 14.5% meadow and pasture, 1.1% agricultural and under permanent cultivation, 46.7% other.
人 口:19·6836万(1996)
Population: 196,836 (1996)
density - 10.3 inhabits. per sq. km. (1996); growth rate per year - 1.75%; urban Pop. - 58.5%;
avg. life expectancy- 72.1 years, male-69.7% years, female-74.7 years. (1995)
名 称:托克劳(新西兰属地)
official Name: Tokelau
Location, Tokelau consists of three atolls (Atafu, Nukunonu and Fakaofo),lying about 480 km north of Samoa ,in the Pacific Ocean, Tuvalu lies to its west and Kiribati to its North and east. Each a toll consists of a number of reef-bound islets, or Motu, encircling a langoon. The average annual temperature is 28℃ July being the Covlest and May the Wanmest Rainfall is heavy, but is inconsistant, occasionally there are severe storms
面 积:12.2平方公里
Area: 12.2 sq. km
人 口:1600人(1996年),1500人(1997);1471(1999)另有4000人居住在新西兰。
Population; 1600 (1996). 1500 (1997); 1471 (1999); 4000 people Live in New Zealand
density--131 inhabits .per sq. km (1996)
首 府:无正式首府,各岛都有自己的行政中心。
capital: no capital, each atoll having its own administrative centre.
民 族:主要是波利尼西亚人,有少数欧洲人。
Ethnic composition: Mainly Polynesians also some European,
语 言:托克劳语为官方语言,也通用英语。
Language: Tokelau is the official language and English is widely spoken
宗 教:居民70%信奉基督教,28%信奉罗马天主教
Religion: Christian--7% Roman Catholic--28%
货 币:通用新西兰元,另发行托克纪念硬币。
Currency and New Zealand currency is legal tender Tokelau souvenir coins have also been issued
节 日(2001):新年(1月1日)、1840年协约纪念日(怀唐伊条约)(2月6日)、复活节(4月13-16日)、澳新军团日(1915年澳新军团在加利波利登陆纪念日(4月25日)、女王诞辰日(6月4日)、劳动节(10月11日)、圣诞节(12月25日)、节礼日(12月26日)。
Holidays (2001): Jan 1-2 (New Year), Feb 6 (Waitangi Day -anniversary of 1840 treaty), Apr 13-16 (Easter), Apr 25 (ANZAC Day -anniversary of 1915 landing at Gailipoli), Jun 4 (Queen's Official Birthday), Oct 11 (Labor Day ), Dec 25 (Christmas), Dec 26 (Boxing Day).
Administrator: Lindsay Watt (took office March 1993)