 >> 各国概况
 >> 大洋洲
发布时间:2014-01-07    来源:
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首 府:努美阿;人口—65110人
Capital: Noumea; Population - 65,110
货 币:100分=1太平洋法郎;1美元=106.75太平洋法郎(1997年)
Currency: 100 centimes = 1 franc of the Comtoirs Francais du Pacifique (Franc CFP); 1 US dollar = CFPF 106.75 francs CFP (1997)
时 差:比格林尼治时间早11小时;比北京时间早3小时。
Time: 11 hours earlier than GMT; 3 hours earlier than Beijing Time.
语 言:法语
Language: French
民 族:43·49%为卢纳克人(美拉尼西亚人),37·1%为欧洲人,12·2%为波利尼西亚人(其中8·4%为瓦里斯人,3·8%为塔希提人),3·7%为印度尼西亚人,1·6%为越南人,2%为其他种族。
Ethnic Composition: Melanesian - 43.49%,European - 37.1%, Polynesian - 12.2%( of which Wallisian - 8.4%, Tahitian 3.8%), Indonesian - 3.7%, Vietnamese - 1.6%, other - 2%.
宗 教:天主教占62·7%,其它宗教(主要是基督教中的新教)占37·7%。
Religion: Roman Catholic - 62.7%, other (most Protestant) - 37.3%.
Holidays(2001): 1 January. (New Year's Day), 16 April (Easter Monday), 1 May (Labour Day), 8 May (Liberation Day),24 May ( Ascension Day), 4 June (Whit Monday), 14 July ( Fall of the Bastille), 11 November (Armistice Day) 25 December (Christmas Day).
Administrative Districts: The Territory is divided into 3 Provinces. They are the South, the North and the Loyalty Islands.