概 况
国 名:斐济群岛共和国
Official Name: The Republic of the Fiji Islands
注:原名为“斐济共和国”(“the Republic of Fiji.”), 1998年7月27日改为现名。
国 旗:旗地为浅蓝色。靠旗杆一边上方蓝色长方形中,绘有红、白“米”字图案。这是英联邦国家的标志。靠旗右角处的图案是斐济国徽盾面图案。
国 徽:盾徽。盾面上部是一只戴着皇冠的黄色狮子,狮子抱着一个椰子。狮子下面的圣乔治红十字把白地盾面分成四格,每格图案不同,右上角为三根甘蔗、左上角为一棵可可树、右下角为一只含着橄榄枝的和平鸽、左下角为一串香蕉。盾的两侧分别是一位斐济勇士和一位猎人一只手扶盾而立。盾的顶上为舱外装有桨叉托加的帆船,盾的下方为题铭绶带,绶带上的铭词是"敬畏上帝,尊重国王"。
国 花:扶桑。
Location: Fiji is lying in the South Pacific Ocean, between latitude 15 --22 South and longitude 177 West -- 176 East. It is situated 1,930 km. south of the Equator, about 2,735 km. northeast of Sydney and 1,777 km. north of Auckland. Tonga lies 290 km. to its southeast and Samoa is 805 km. to its northeast. Fiji comprises more than 300 scattered islands of which only about 100 are inhabited. The largest islands are Viti Levu with an area of 10,429 sq.km. and Vanua Levu with an area of 5,556 sq.km.
面 积:18272平方公里。
Area:18,272 sq.km.
land use -- 14.2%cropland; 9.6% permanent pasture; 64.9% forest and woodland; 11.3% other; arable land per capita -- 0.9 acres; coastline -- 1129.5 km.
人 口:81.7万(2000)。
Population:817,000 (2000)
density -- 44.4 inhabs. per sq.km. (2000); urban pop. -- 40.7%; growth rate --1.5% per year (2000-2010); avg. life expectancy --74.2 years; male-72.1 years; Femaie-76.4 years (2000-2010).
首 都:苏瓦;人口—约16.7万(1998)
Capital: Suva; population --167,000
时 差:比格林尼治时间早12小时;比北京时间早4小时。
Time: 12 hours earlier than GMT; 4 hours earlier than Beijing Time.
语 言:英语为官方语言,斐济语和印地语也通用。
Language: The official language is English, but Fijian and Hindustani are also widely spoken.
民 族:印度族占43.7%,斐济族占49%,欧洲人后裔、罗图马族、华人及其它民族占7.3%。
Ethnic Composition: Indian -- 43.7%, Fijian --49%, European,Rotuman,Chinese and other --7.3%.
宗 教:无官教,居民中52%信奉基督教(多数为卫理公会教徒),38%信奉印度教,8%为穆斯林,信仰其他宗教者占2%。
Religion: There is no official religion, Most indigenous Fijians are Christian, Indians are mostly Hindu. Christian (mainly Methodists) --52%g, Hindus --38%, Muslim --8%,other --2%.
货 币:1斐济元=100分;1美元=1·98斐济元(1999年12月)
Currency: 100 cents=1 Fijian dollar ($F); 1 US Dollar=$F1.5 (Dec.,1999)
节 日(2001年):新年(1月1日)、全国青年节(2月16日)、复活节后的星期一(4月13-16日)、英国女王生日(6月12日)、穆罕默德诞辰(6月4日)、宪法日(7月23日)、斐济日(10月8日)、迪瓦利节(10月/11月)、圣诞节(12月25-26日)。
Holidays (2001): Jan 1 (New Year's Day), Feb 16 (National Youth Day), Apr.13-16 (Easter), June 12 (Queen's Official Birthday), Jun.4 (Birth of the Prophet Mohammed), July 23 (Constitution Day), Oct.8 (Fiji Day), Oct./Dec.(Diwali), Dec.25-26(Christmas).
Administrative Districts: divided into 4 Divisions (including 15 Provinces)
Divisions (Capital) --Central(Suva) including Naitasiri, Namosi, Rewa, Serua and Tailevu Provinces; Eastern(Levuka) including Kondavu, Lao, Lomaiviti and Rotuma Provinces; Northern(Labasa) including Mathuata, Mbua, Thakaundrove Provinces; Western (Lautoka) including Mba, Nandronga-Navosa and Ra Provinces.
Major Cities: Suva, Lautoka, Lami, Nadi, Ra.