 >> 各国概况
 >> 大洋洲
发布时间:2014-01-07    来源:
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概 况
名 称:关岛
Official Name: Guam
Location: The unincorporated U. S. territory of Guam is the largest and southernmost of the Mariana Islands. Situated in the western Pacific, Guam is approximately 5,300 km west of Hawaii and 2,200 km of Japan.
面 积:549平方公里
Area: 549 sq. Km.
人 口:16.8万人(2000)
密 度:每平方公里271.9人
Population: 168,000 (2000 estimate)
Density: 271.9 per sq. km.
首 府:阿加尼亚
Capital: Agana
时 差:比美国东部时间晚15个小时,比格林尼治时间晚10个小时。
Time: 15 hours later than U. S. Eastern Standsrd, 10 hours later than Greenwich Mean.
语 言:英语是官方语言,日语和查莫罗语(一种当地语言)也普遍使用。
Language: English is the official language, but Japanese and Chamorro (the local language) are also spoken.
民 族:查莫罗人(密克罗尼西亚人种)占47%,菲律宾人占25%,高加索人占10%,其他占18%。
Ethnic Composition: Chamorro(Micronesian)- 47%; Filipino- 25%; Caucasian -10%; other- 18%
宗 教:98%的人信奉罗马天主教,2%信奉其他宗教
Religion: Roman Catholic- 98%; other -2%
节 日(2001):新年(1月1日),乔治·华盛顿日(2月19日),关岛发现日(3月5日),阵亡将士纪念日(5月28日),美国独立日(7月4日),劳动节(9月3日),感恩节(11月22日),圣诞节(12月25日)。
Holiday(2001): January 1 (new Year's Day), February 19 (for George washington's Birthday), March 5 (Guam Discovery day), May 28 (Memorial Day), July 4 (US Independence Day), September 3 (Labor day), November 22 (Thanksgiving Day), December 25 (Christmas Day)
货 币:使用美元。100分=1美元
Currency: 100 cents= 1 U. S. dollar