 >> 各国概况
 >> 大洋洲
发布时间:2014-01-07    来源:
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概 况
名 称:北马里亚纳自由联邦
Offical Name:The Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas
Location: The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands comprises 17 islands(all the Marianas except Guam) in the western Pacific Ocean, about 5,300 km west of Honolulu( Hawaii).
The Temperature normally ranges between 24℃and 30℃ in June-November, but is generally cooler and drier from December to May. The average annual rainfall is about 2,120 mm.
面 积:475平方公里(陆地面积)。
Area: 475 sq. km.
人 口:78000人(2000年)
Population: 78,000(2000)
Density-128.8 per sq. km; growth rate-2.3% per year.
首 府:塞班岛;人口47786人
Capital: Saipan Island; population-47,786
时 差:比格林尼治时间早10小时;比北京时间早2小时。
Time: 10 hours earlier than GMT; 2 hours earlier than Beijing Time.
语 言:官方语言为英语、查莫罗语和加罗林语。
Language:The official Language is English, Chamorro and Carolinian.
民 族:查莫洛人占多数,另有少数西班牙人、德国人和日本人。
Ethnic Composition: Chamorro, Spanish, German, Japanese.
宗 教:主要信奉罗马天主教。
Religion: The population is predominantly Christian, mainly Roman Catholic.
货 币:美元;1美元=100美分。
Currency: US dollar; 1 US dollar=100 cents.
节 日(2001年):新年(1月1日)、联邦日(1月1日)、乔治·华盛顿生日(2月19日)、阵亡将士纪念日(5月28日)、美国独立日(7月4日)、劳动日(9月2日)、感恩节(11月22日)、圣诞节(12月25日)
Holidays(2001): Jan.1(New Year's Day), Jan 1( Commonwealth Day), Feb 19 (for George Washington's Birthday), May 28 (Memorial Day),Jul 4 ( US Independence Day), Sep 2(Labor Day), Nov 22 (Thanksgiving Day), Dec.25 (Christmas Day).