 >> 各国概况
 >> 大洋洲
发布时间:2024-07-15    来源:
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概 况
国 名:帕劳共和国
Official Name: The Republic of Palau (formerly used the Republic of Belau)
国 旗:蓝色,中间偏左是一轮黄色圆月。蓝色象征太平洋,圆月象征民族团结。
Location: Palau lies in the western Pacific, approximately 7,150 km. southwest of Hawaii, about 1,160 km. southwest of Guam, and 800 km. east of the Philippines. It comprises eight principal and 252 Smaller islands, stretching in a Chain of 650 km from the Small groups of islands around Tobi and Sonaorol north-east to the main island of Kayangel atoll, These islands form the extremity of the Caroline Islands only 16 islands of Palau are inhabited.
面 积:458平方公里
Area: 458 sq.km.
人 口:约17225(2000)
Population: 17,285
Density-34.0 per sq. km.; growth rate-3.09% per year ,avg life expectancy 61.5 years.
首 都(临时):科罗尔。(宪法规定在目前尚未开发的巴伯尔道布建都)人口10500人
Capital (Provisional): Koror ( The Constitution provides for the capital to be established on the as yet undeveloped island of Babeldaob, in Melekeok state).
时 差:比格林尼治时间早9小时;比北京时间早1小时
Time: 9 hours earlier than GMT; 1 hour earlier than Beijing Time
语 言:通用英语,也使用一些当地帕劳语,不少人讲日语。
Language: English is widely used, but there are also a number of indigenous languages Manly the Palauan language, many people still speak Japanese.
民 族:居民分为9个种族语言群体,包括若干查莫罗血统的居民。土著居民为密克罗尼西亚人.
Ethnic Composition: Residents are divided into 9 ethno-Linguistic groups, including a predominant number of Chamorro extraction. The indigenous population is Micronesian
宗 教:大部分信仰基督教。
Religion: mostly Christian.
货 币:使用美国货币;1美元=100分
Currency: U.S. currency. 1 US dolar=100 cents.
节 日:(2001)新年(1月1日)、青年节(3月15日)、总统日(6月1日)、宪法日(7月9日)、劳动节(9月3日)、独立日(10月1日)、联合国日(10月24日)、感恩节(11月22日)、圣诞节(12月25日)。
Holidays (2001): Jan.1 (New Year), Mar.15 (Youth Day), June 1 (President's Day), July 9 (Constitution Day), Sept.3 (Labor Day), Oct. 1 (Independence Day), Oct.24 (United Nations' Day), Nov.22 (Thanksgiving), Dec.25 (Christmas).
Administrative Districts: divided into municipalities and villages for administrative purposes.