 >> 各国概况
 >> 美洲
发布时间:2014-01-07    来源:
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国 名:伯利兹
Official Name: Belize
国 旗:旗底为蓝色,旗底上下是红边。旗正中白色圆地中绘有伯利兹的国徽。蓝、红两色为国旗的主要颜色。国徽图案中的花环和其中的树为绿色。两位地方人一手扶着肩上的伐木工具,一手扶着盾牌。盾面上有三组图案:一、银白地中绘有一柄把手和一把大槌;二、金黄地中绘有一把斧子和一把据子;三、一只船扬帆在海上航行,背景为蔚蓝的天空和海洋。船的桅杆上和桅上斜杆,悬挂红旗。
National Flag: The national flag (proportion usually 5 by 3) is dark blue, with narrow horizontal red stripes at the upper and lower edges; at the centre is a white disc containing the state coat of arms, bordered by an olive wreath.
Location: On the east coast of Central America, with Mexico to the northwest, Guatemala to the southwest, and the Gulf of Honduras to the east.
面 积:22,963平方公里
Area: 22,963 sq. km.
land use- 2.5% cropland, 44.4% forests and woodland, 2.1% permanent pasture, 51.0% other (mostly coastal plains and mountains); arable land per capita- 0.8 acres; coastline- 386 km; land borders- 516 km.
人 口:24.1万(2000年)
Population: 241,000 (2000)
density- 10.4 inhabs. per sq. km. (2000); urban pop.- 46.8% ; growth rate per year- 2.2% (2000-2010); avg. life expectancy- 76.2 years (2000-2010).
首 都:贝尔莫潘;人口6785人(1996)
Capital: Belmopan; population- 6,785
时 差:比格林尼治时间晚6小时;比北京时间晚14小时。
Time: 6 hours later than GMT; 14 hours later than Biejing Time.
语 言:英语为官方语言,西班牙语为通用语言。
Language: English is the official language, but Spanish is widely spoken.
民 族:混血种族占44%,克里奥尔人占30%,玛雅人占11%,印第安人占7%,其他占8%。
Ethnic Composition: Mestizo- 44%; Creole- 30%; Maya- 11%; Garifuna- 7%; other- 8%.
宗 教:罗马天主教占62%,基督教新教占30%,其他占8%。
Religion: Roman Catholic- 62%; Protestant- 30%, other- 8%.
货 币:1伯利兹元=100分;1美元=2伯利兹元(固定汇率)
Currency: 1 Belizan dollar (Bz$) = 100 cents; 1 U.S. dollar = 2 Bz$ (fixed rate)
节 日(2001):新年(1月1日)、复活节(4月13-16日)、劳动节(5月1日)、英联邦日(5月24日)、独立日(9月21日)、哥伦布发现美洲纪念日(10月12日)、圣诞节(12月25-26日)。
Holidays (2001): Jan. 1 (New Year's Day), Apr. 13-16 (Easter), May 1 (Labour Day)), May 24 (Commonwealth Day), Sept. 21 (Independence Day), Oct. 12 (Columbus Day, anniversary of the discovery of America), 25-26 December (Christmas).
Administrative Districts: 6 Districts
区(首府)Districts (Capitals):
伯利兹(伯利兹城)Belize (Beliz City)
卡约(圣伊格纳西奥)Cayo (San Ignacio)
科罗萨尔(科罗萨尔)Corozal (Corozal)
奥兰治沃克(奥兰治沃克)Orange Walk (Orange Walk)
斯坦克里克(丹格里加)Stann Creek (Dangriga)
托莱多(蓬塔戈尔法)Toledo (Punta Gorda)