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发布时间:2014-01-07    来源:
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国 名:多米尼克国
Official Name: The Commonwealth of Dominica
概 况
国 旗:旗地为绿色。黄、黑、白三色组成十字,正中绘有红色圆地、10颗黄边绿五角星和鹦鹉。绿色象征遍及全岛的香蕉园;黄色代表柠檬、柑桔、椰子等种植业;白色象征河流、瀑布和人民的纯洁;黑色代表当地的主要人种--黑人和黑白混血种人及土地。十字表示人民信奉天主教。红色圆地象征国家所执行的社会发展计划,五星代表该国的10个地区,鹦鹉是多米尼克的国鸟。
National Flag: The National flag has a green field, with equal stripes of yellow, white and black forming an upright cross, on the centre of which is superimposed a red disc contaning a parrot surrounded by ten five-pointed green stars (one for each of the island's parishes).
国 徵:为盾徽。盾冠上绘有一只狮子。盾面左上角和右下角的椰子树和香蕉象征该国的农业,右上角的蟾蜍代表当地的特产,左下角的轻舟象征岛国的航海捕鱼业。两侧是鹦鹉,绶带上用克里奥尔文写着“在仁慈的上帝之下,我们热爱大地”。
Location: The Commonwealth of Dominica is situated in the Windward Islands group of the West Indies, lying between Guadeloupe, to the north, and Martinique, to the south.
面 积:751平方公里。
Area: 751 sq. km.
land use- 41% forest and woodland, 3% meadows and pastures, 23% agricultural and under permanent cultivation, 33% other; coastline- 148 km.
人 口:7.1万(2000年估计数字)
密度-每平方公里94.5人(2000年);年增长率 -1.3%(2000);平均寿命77.8岁。
Population: 71,000 (2000 estimate)
density- 94.5 inhabs. per sq. km. (2000); growth rate- -1.3% per year (2000); avg. life expectancy- 77.8 years.
首 都:罗索;人口7200人
Capital: Roseau; Population: 7,200
时 差:比格林尼治时间晚3小时;比北京时间晚11小时。
Time: 3 hours later than GMT; 11 hours later than Beijing Time.
语 言:英语为官方语言。
Language: English is the official language.
民 族:黑人占91.2%,混血种6%,印第安人占1.5%,白人占0.5%,其他占0.8%。
Ethnic Composition: Black- 91.2%, Mixed Race- 6%, Amerindian- 1.5%, white- 0.5%, other- 0.8%.
宗 教:信奉天主教占77%,耶稣教占15%,其它宗教占8%。
Religion: Roman Catholic- 77%, Protestant- 15%, other- 8%.
货 币:1东加勒比元=100分;1美元=2.70东加勒比元(1976年以来固定汇率)
Currency: 1 East Caribbean dollar (EC$) = 100 cents; 1 U.S. dollar=EC $2.70 (fixed rate since 1976).
节 日(2001):新年(1月1日)、狂欢节(2月12日-13日)、耶酥受难日(4月13日)、复活节(4月16日)、劳动节(5月1日)、圣神降临节(6月4日)、八月第一个星期一(8月6日)、独立日(11月3日)、社区服务日(11月4日)、圣诞节(12月25日-26日)。
Holidays (2001): Jan. 1 (New Year's Day), Feb.12-13 (Carnival), Apr. 13 (Good Friday), Apr. 16 (Easter Monday), May 1 (Labour Day), Jun. 4 (Whit Monday), Aug. 6 (Emancipation, August Monday), Nov. 3 (Independence Days), Nov. 4 (Community Service Day), Dec. 25-26 (Christmas).
Administrative Districts: 10 Parishes.
Parishes: St. Andrew, St. Davis, St. George, St. John, St. Joseph, St. Luke, St. Mark, St. Patrick, St. Paul, St. Peter.
Major Cities: Roseau, Joseph, Portsmouth.