 >> 各国概况
 >> 美洲
发布时间:2014-01-23    来源:
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Office Name: Antigua and Barbuda
国 旗:由五色三角形组成。靠旗杆一边和旗飞角一边为两个红色三角形的直角边。红色三角形另两条直边构成旗地下方的长边。两个红色三角形的斜边和旗地上方平行长边构成大三角形,由黑、蓝、白三色组成,黑色部分中间是半轮金黄色的太阳。
Location: The country consists of three islands-Antigua, Barbuda and Redonda. It lies in the southern end of the Leeward Islands in the Eastern Caribbean Sea. Barbuda is the most northerly, 40 km north of Antigua, and Redonda is 40 km southwest of Antigua.
面 积:441.6平方公里(安提瓜岛280平方公里,巴布达岛160平方公里,无人居住的雷东达岛1.6平方公里。
Area: 441.6 sq. km.
Land use -16% forest, 7% meadows and pastures, 18% farmland and 59% other; coastline- 153 km; land borders- 0 km.
人 口:68000(2000年)
Population: 68,000 (2000)
density - 153.6 inhabs . per sq. km. (2000); urban pop- 30.8%; population growth rate- 0.4% (1996); avg. life expectancy- 71.2 years (1998).
首 都:圣约翰,位于安提瓜岛;人口3万(2000)
Capital: Saint John's on Antigua; Population- 30,000
时 差:比格林尼治时间晚4小时;比北京时间晚12小时。
Time: 4 hours later than GMT; 12 hours later than Beijing Time.
语 言:英语为官方语言
Language: English is the Official Language.
民 族:黑人占94.4%,混血种人占3.5%,白人占1.3%,其他占0.8%。
Ethnic Composition: black- 94.4%, Mulatto- 3.5%, white- 1.3%, other- 0.8%.
宗 教:多数居民信奉基督教。
Religion: Most of the people belive in Christianity.
货 币:1东加勒比元=100分;1美元=2.7东加勒比元(2000年3月)。
Currency: 1 East Caribbean dollar (EC$) = 100 cents; 1 U.S. dolar = 2.7 EC$ (Mar. 2000)
节 日(2001年):新年(1月1日)、耶稣受难日(4月13日)、复活节后的第一个星期一(4月16日)、劳动节(5月7日)、圣神降临节(6月4日),狂欢节(8月6-7日)、独立日(11月1日)、圣诞节(12月25-26日)。
Holidays (2001): Jan. 1 (New Year's Day), Apr. 13 (Good Friday), Apr. 16 (Easter Monday), May 7 (Labour Day), Jun. 4 (Whit Monday), Aug. 6-7 (Carnival), Nov. 1 (Independence Day), Dec. 25-26 (Christmas).
Administrative Divisions: 6 Parishes and 2 Islands
Parishes: Saint George, Saint John's, Saint Mary, Saint Paul, Saint Peter, Saint Phillip.
Islands: Barbuda, Redonda (uninhabited).
Major City: Saint John's.