 >> 各国概况
 >> 美洲
发布时间:2022-10-31    来源:
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概 况
国 名:圣卢西亚
Official Name: St. Lucia
国 旗:蓝色的底面象征圣卢西亚岛国周围的海洋。位于中间的白、黑、黄三色的三角形象征岛国。三角形中的黑色代表火山,黑色和白边又象征该国两个主要民族,黄色象征海滩和阳光。
National Flag: The National Flag (proportions 2 by 1) is blue, bearing in its center a white-edged black triangle partly covered by a gold triangle rising from a common base.
国 徽:盾面上竹杖组成的十字架代表该岛的植被和信仰;玫瑰和百合花象征该岛与英、法的传统关系。盾徽上端的花冠中间一只黑人巨手握着一把燃烧着的火炬。绶带上用英文写着“土地、人民、光明”。盾徽两侧是具有地方特色的珍禽。
Location: St. Lucia is at the center, and the second largest, of the Windward Islands group in the eastern Caribbean Sea, lying 40 km. to the south of Martinique and 32 km. to the northeast of Saint Vincent. The island is volcanic with spectacular mountain scenery. The average annual temperature is 26 decrees centigrade, with a dry season from January to April, followed by a rainy season from May to August. The average annual rainfall is 1,500 mm in the low-lying areas, and 3,500 mm in the mountains.
面 积:616平方公里
Area: 616 sq. km.
land use- 13.0% forests, 5.0% meadows and pastures, 30.0% farmland, 52.0% other.
人 口:15.4万人(2000年)
Population: 154,000 (2000)
density- 249.8 inhabs. per sq. km. (2000); urban pop.- 52.1%; growth rate per year- 1.1% (1997); avg. life expectancy- 71.6 years (1998).
首 都:卡斯特里;人口5.66万(1995)。
Capital: Castries; Pop.- 56,600 (1995).
时 差:比格林尼治时间晚4小时;比北京时间晚12小时。
Time: 4 hours later than GMT; 12 hours later than Beijing Time.
语 言:英语为官方语言,但不少居民讲一种带土语的法语。
Language: The official language is English, although a large proportion of the population speak a French-based patois.
民 族:黑人占90.5%,混血种人占5.5%,印度人占3.2%,白人占0.8%。
Ethnic Composition: black- 90.5%, mixed- 5.5%, East Indian- 3.2%, white- 0.8%.
宗 教:罗马天主教占79.0%,耶稣教占15.5%,其他宗教占5.5%。
Religion: Roman Catholic- 79.0%, Protestant- 15.5%, other- 5.5%.
货 币:1东加勒比元=100分;1美元=2.70东加勒比元(1976年以来固定汇率)
Currency: 1 East Caribbean dollar (EC$)= 100 cents; 1 U.S. dollar= ES$2.70 (fixed rate since 1976)
节 日(2001年):新年(1月1-2日)、独立日(2月22日)、耶稣受难日(4月13日)、复活节(4月24日)、劳动节(5月1日)、圣神降临节(5月28日)、基督圣体节(6月14日)、解放日(8月6日)、感恩节(10月3日)、圣卢西亚日(12月13日)、圣诞节(12月25-26日)。
Holidays (2001): Jan. 1-2 (New Year), Feb. 22 (Independence Day), Apr. 13 (Good Friday), Apr. 24 (Easter Monday), May 1 (Labour Day), May 28 (Whit Monday), Jun. 14 (Corpus Christi), Aug. 6 (Emancipation Day), Oct. 3 (Thanksgiving Day), Dec. 13 (Saint Lucia Day), Dec. 25-26 (Christmas).
Administrative Districts- 10 Quarters
区(首府)Quarters (Capital):
昂斯一拉一腊亚(昂斯一拉一腊亚)Anse-la-Raye (Anse-la-Raye)
卡纳里斯(卡纳里斯)Canaries (Canaries)
卡斯特里(卡斯特里)Castries (Castries)
舒瓦瑟尔(舒瓦瑟尔)Choiseul (Choiseul)
登尼赖(登尼赖)Dennery (Dennery)
赫罗斯·伊斯莱特(赫罗斯·伊斯莱特)Gros Islet (Gross Islet)
拉博里(拉博里)Laborie (Laborie)
米库(米库)Micoud (Micoud)
苏弗里耶尔(苏弗里耶尔)Soufriere (Soufriere)
维约堡(维约堡)Vieux Fort (Vieux Fort)
Major Cities: Castries, Vieux Fort.