 >> 各国概况
 >> 非洲
发布时间:2014-01-22    来源:
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概 况
国 名:尼日利亚联邦共和国
Official Name: The Federal Republic of Nigeria
国 旗:由绿、白、绿三个垂直相等的长方形构成。左右两边为绿色,白色居中。
国 徽:黑色盾徽,盾面上有白色"Y"形图案,意指贝努埃河与尼日尔河的汇合处,盾的两侧分别有一匹站立的白马。白马站立在长满花的绿色的丘上,(花是尼日利亚最常见的野花)。盾的顶上是一只展翅的红鹰,下方是黄色缓带,缓带上题写着"团结、信任"的铭词。
Location: Nigeria is a West coastal state on the shores of the Gulf of Guinea, with Benin to the west, Niger to the north, Chad to the north-east, and Cameroon to the east and south-east.
面 积:923768平方公里
Area: 923,768 sq. Km. Land use-16.7% forests, 23% meadows and pastures, 34.1% agricultural and under permanent cultivation, 26.2% other; arable land per capita-0.6 acres; Land borders-4,034 km, coastline-800 km.
人 口:11150.6万(2000年)
Population: 111,506,000 (2000)
Density-120 inhabits, per sq. km.(2000); urban pop.-39.3% ; growth rate-3.1% per year (2000); avg. life expectancy-55.5 years (2000).
首 都:阿布贾;人口-40多万(2000年)
Capital: Abuja, Population: more than 400,000 (2000)
时 差:比格林尼治时间早1小时;比北京时间晚7小时。
Time: 1 hour earlier than GMT; 7 hours later than Beijing Time.
语 言:英语为官方语言,豪萨语、约鲁巴语和伊博语为主要民族语言。
Language: English is the official language, Hausa, Yoruba and Ibo are the main native languages.
民 族:豪萨族占21.3%,约鲁巴族占21.3%,伊博族占18%,富拉尼族占11.2%,其它占28.2%.
Ethnic Composition: Hausa 21.3%, Yoruba 21.3%, Ibo 18%, Fulani 11.2%, other 28.2% (totally over 250 tribal groups).
宗 教:伊斯兰教占45%,基督教新教26.3%,罗马天主教占12.1%,非洲原始宗教占10.6%,其它占6%
Religion: Muslim 45%, Protestant 26.3%, Roman Catholic 12.1%, indigenous beliefs 10.6%, other 6%.
货 币:1奈拉=100克布;1美元=110奈拉(2001年2月)
Currency: 1 naira=100 kobo; 1 U.S.dollar=110 naira (Feb.2001)
节 日(2001年):新年(1月1日)、宰牲节(3月6日)、复活节(4月13-16日)、穆罕默德诞生日(6月4日)、国庆节(10月1日)、开斋节(12月17日)、圣诞节(12月25日-26日)。
Holidays (2001): Jan. 1 (New Year's Day), Mar. 6 (Idal-Kabir, Feast of Sacrifice), Apr. 13-16 (Easter), Jun. 4 (Birth of the Prophet), Oct.1 (National Day). Dec. 17 (end of Ramadan), Dec. 25-26 (Christmas).
行政区划: 尼日利亚实行联邦制。全国划分为30个州和1个联邦首都区。
Administrative Districts: 30 States and 1 Federal Capital Territory.
States (Capital):
Abia (Umuahia), Adamawa (Yola), States (Capital)-Akwa Ibom (Uyo), Anambra (Enugu), Bauchi (Bauchi), Benue (Makurdi), Borno (Maiduguri), Cross River (Calabar), Gongola (Yola), Imo (Owerri), Kaduna (Kaduna), Kano (Kano), Katsina (Katsina), Kwara (Ilorin), Lagos (Ikeja), Niger (Minna), Ogun (Abeokuta), Ondo (Akure), Oyo (Ibadan), Plateau (Jos), rivers (Port Harcourt), Sokoto (Sokoto).Delta (Asaba ), Edo (Benincity), Enugu (Enugu), Jigawa (Dutse ), Kebbi (Birnin kebbi), Kogi (Lokoja), Osun (Oshogbo), Taraba (Jalingo), Yobe (Damaturu) , Federal Capital Territory.
Major Cities: Lagos, Abuja, Ibadan, Ogbomosho, Kano, Oshogbo, Ilorin Abeokuta, Port Harcourt.