概 况
国 名:多哥共和国
Official Name: the Republic of Togo
国 旗:国旗旗地由三道绿色宽条和两道黄色条形相间而成。靠旗杆一边在上方为一红色正方形,内有一枚白色五角星。正方形与旗地顶部的三条带同高。
National Flag : The National flag consists of five alternating horizontal stripes of green and yellow A five -Pointed white star is at the center of a red canton at the hoist; the canton is the height of the top three stripes.
国 徽:绿色国徽。盾面饰有白底椭圆,圆的中心有一面锦纹小盾,小盾中部为衬线字母RT,小盾上端抻有2面向两侧飘动的国旗,国旗顶端冠有题铭绶带,绶带上的铭词"勤劳、自由、祖国"作为国家的座右铭,小盾下端两侧分别有五头直立狮子,狮子后肢立地,前肢持弓与箭。
National Emblem: A green shield in which the serif letters"RT"appear with in a small yellow escutcheon decorated with two national flags The escutcheon is flanked by two erect red lions each carrying a bow and an arrow. The design is crested by the scroll proclaiming the
national motto "Trail, Liberte, Patrie ”(" Work, Freedom, Fatherland").
Location: The Republic of Togo lies in West Africa, forming a narrow strip stretching north from a coastline on the Gulf of Guinea. It is bordered by Ghana to the west, Benin to the east, Burkina Faso to the north.
面 积:56600平方公里
Area: 56,600 sq. km.
Land use-26.24% cropland, 3.68% permanent pasture, 28.50% forests and woodland, 41.58% other (mostly savanna); arable land per capita-0.9 acres; coastline-563 km.; land borders-1,646 km.
人 口:462.9万(2000年)
Population: 4,629,000 (2000)
Density-81 inhabs. per sq. km. (2000); urban pop.-30.8% ; growth rate per year-2.9% (2000); avg. life expectancy-60.1 years (2000).
首 都:洛美;人口-80多万(2000年)
Capital: Lome; Population- more than 800,000 (2000)
时 差:与格林尼治时间一样;比北京时间晚8小时。
Time: Same as GMT; 8 hours later than Beijing Time.
语 言:法语为官方语言,卡布列语、埃维语、豪萨语也为通用语言。
Language: French is the official language. Kabiye Ewe and Hausa are the national languages.
民 族:埃维族占35%,卡布列族占22%,米纳族占6%,其它民族占37%
Ethnic Composition: Ewe 35%, Kaby 22%, Mina 6%, other indigenous peoples 37%.
宗 教:拜物教占70%,基督教占20%,伊斯兰教占10%
Religion: Animist 70%, Christian 20%, Moslem 10%.
货 币:非洲金融共同体法郎(简称非洲法郎)。1非洲法郎=100分;1美元=626.7非洲法郎(1999年9月)
Currency: franc de la communaute financiere africaine (CFA franc) 1 CFA franc=100centimes; 1 U.S.dollar=626.7 CFA francs (Sep. 1999)
节 日(2001年):新年(1月1日)、解放日(1967年政变周年纪念日,1月13日)、胜利日(1月24日),宰牲节(3月6日)、复活节后的星期一(4月16日)、胜利日(4月24日)、独立日(4月27日)、劳动节(5月1日)、耶稣升天节(5月24日)、圣神降临日(6月4日)、圣母升天节(8月15日)、万圣节
Holidays (2001): Jan. 1 (New Year's Day), Jan. 13 (Liberation Day, anniversary of the 1967 coup), Jan. 24 (Day of Victory), Mar. 6 (Tabaski, Feast of the Sacrifice), Apr. 16 (Easter Monday), Apr. 24 (Day of Victory), Apr. 27 (Independence Day), May 1 (Labor Day), May 24 (Ascension Day), June 4 (Whit Monday). Aug. 15 (Assumption), Nov. 1 (All Saints' Day), Dec. 17 (Id al-Fitr, end of Ramadan), Dec. 25 (Christmas).
Administrative Districts: The country is divided into 5 Regions.
Regions (Capital): Region des Maritime (Lome), Region centrale (Sokode), Region des Plateaux (Atakpame), Region des Savanese (Dapango), Region de la Kara (Kara).
Major Cities: Lome, Sokode, Palime, Atakpame, Bassari, Tsevie, Anecho.