 >> 各国概况
 >> 非洲
发布时间:2014-01-07    来源:
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概 况

国 名:刚果民主共和国(简称:刚果[金])
The Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo [K])
(1997年5月17日由扎伊尔共和国[the Republic of Zaire] 改为现名。)

Location: Lying in the south central part of Africa, bordered by the Republic of Congo to the north-west, the Central Africa Republic and Sudan to the north, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania to the east and Zambia and Angola to the south, there is a short coastline where the Zaire (Congo) River flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

面 积:2344885平方公里。
Area: 2,344,885 sq. km.
Land use-3.5% cropland, 6.6% permanent pasture, 76.9% forests and woodland, 13% other; arable land per capita-0.6acres; coastline-37 km., land borders-9,900 km.

人 口:5165.4万(2000年)
Population: 51,654,000 (2000)
Density-22 inhabs. per sq.km (2000); urban pop.-29.1% ; growth rate per year-3.0% (2000), average life expectancy-  54.1 years.(1995-2000)

首 都:金沙萨;人口-500多万(2000年)
Capital: Kinshasa; Population- more than 5 million (2000)

时 差:比格林尼治时间早1小时,比北京时间晚7小时
Time: 1hour earlier than GMT; 7hours later than Beijing Time.

语 言:法语为官方语言,大多数人讲属于班图语系的斯瓦希里语、林加拉语、契卢巴语和基刚果语。
Language: French is the official language. The majority of the population speaks Bantu languages, including Swashili, Lingala, Tshiluba and Kikongao.

民 族:非洲人占99%,大小部族254个,欧洲人占1%
Ethnic Composition: African (including 254 tribes) 99%, European 1%.

宗 教:信奉天主教的居民占50%,耶稣教占20%,伊斯兰教占10%,其他  占20%
Religion: Roman Catholic 50%, Protestant 20%, Moslem 10%, other 20%.

货 币:1刚果法郎=100马库塔;1美元=49刚果法郎(2000年5月)
Currency: 1 Congo Franc=100 new makuta; 1 U.S.dollar=49 Congo Franc   (2000.5)

节 日(2001年);新年(1月1日)、争取独立殉难烈士纪念日(1月4日)、劳动节(5月1日)、1967年宪法颁布日和渔民节(6月24日)、独立日(6月30日)、双亲节(8月1日)、青年节(10月14日)、建军节(11月17日)、第二共和国日(11月24日)、圣诞节(12月25日)
Holidays(2001): Jan. 1 (New Year's Day), Jan. 4 (Commemoration of the Martyrs of Independence), May 1 (Labor Day), June 24 (Promulgation of the 1967 Constitution and Day of the fishermen), June 30 (Independence Day), Aug. 1 (Parents' Day), Oct. 14 (Youth Day),
Nov. 17 (Army Day), Nov. 24 (Anniversary of the Second Republic), Dec. 25 (Christmas Day).

Administrative Districts: 10 Regions and a Federal District.


班顿杜         Bandundu
下刚果         Bas-Congo
赤道           Equateur
上刚果         Haut-Congo
西开赛         Kasai Occidental
东开赛         Kasai Oriental
北基伍         Nord-Kivu
沙巴           Shaba
南基伍         Sud-Kivu
马尼埃马       Maniema

Federal District: Federal District of Kinshasa

Major cities: Kinshasa, Kananga, Lubumbashi, Mbuji-Mayi, Kisangani, Bukavu, Kikwit, Mbandaka.