 >> 各国概况
 >> 非洲
发布时间:2021-07-14    来源:
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概 况
国 名:马里共和国
Offical Name: The Republic of Mali
国 旗:绿、黄、红三个垂直条块构成的三色旗,黄色条块居中,左红右绿。绿色是穆斯林崇拜的颜色,也象征马里肥沃的绿洲;红色象征为祖国独立战斗而牺牲的烈士鲜血;黄色象征马里的矿产资源。绿、黄、红三色被称为泛非颜色,三色也是非洲国家团结的象征。
国 徽:为圆徽,圆面中间是一座形似清真寺的城堡建筑,一只和平鸽在它的上空展翅飞翔,城堡下方是光芒四射的太阳及两张引箭待发的弓和箭。圆的周边上部用法文写着“马里共和国”,下部写着“一个民族,一个目标,一个信念。”
Location: Mali is a landlocked country in West Africa, which is bordered by Algeria on the north, Mauritania and Senegal on the west, the Cote d'Ivoire and Guinea on the south, and Niger and Burkina Faso on the east.
面 积:1241238平方公里
Area: 1,241,238 sq. km.
land use: 1.7% cropland, 24.6% permanent pasture; 5.7% forest and woodland, 68% other (mostly desert, includes a negligible amount of irrigated land) ; arable land per capita--0.6 acre, land borders: 7,457 km.
人 口:1100多万(2001年)
密 度--每平方公里9人(2000年);城市人口占23.8%;年增长率2.9%(2000年);平均寿命51.1岁(2000年)
Population: more than 11 m. (2001)
 density-9 inhabs. per sq. km. (2000) ; urban pop. -23.8% ; growth rate-2.9% per year (2000) ; avg. life expectancy-51.1 (2000)
首 都:巴马科;人口-100万(2001年)
Capital: Bamako; Population- 1 m. (2001)
时 间:和格林尼治时间相同;比北京时间晚8小时
Time: Same as GMT; 8 hours later than BeiJing Time
民 族:全国有23个部族,班巴拉族占全国人口的34.5%,颇耳族占11%,塞努福族占9%,萨拉考列族占8.6%,桑海族占6.1%,马林凯族占6.1%和多贡族占5%。
Ethnic Composition: Banbara 34.5%; Peul 11%; Senufo 9%; Sarakole 8.6%; Songhai 6.1%; Malinke 6.1% and Dogon 5%
语 言:官方语言为法语。80%的居民通用班巴拉语,各部族均有自己的非文字语言。
Language: the offcial language is French, though Bambara is spoken by 80% of the population. Local tribes have their own non-written alphabet.
宗 教:80%的居民信仰伊斯兰教,18%信仰拜物教,1.2%信仰基督教。
Religion: Moslem--80%, Indigenous beliefs--18%, Christian--1.2%
货 币:100分=1非洲法郎;1美元=626.7非洲法郎(1999年9月)
Currency: 100 centimes = 1 CFA franc; 1 U.S. dollar=626.7 CFA franc (Sept.1999)
Holiday (2001): Jan. 1 (New Year), Jan. 20 (Armed Forces Day), Mar. 6 (Tabaski--Feast of the Sacrifice), Mar. 25 (Commemoration of the overthrow of Moussa Traore), Apr.16 (Easter Monday), May. 1 (Labor Day), May 25 (Africa Day--anniversary of the Oraganization of African Unity's Foundation), June 4 (Birth of the Prophet), July 4 (Baptism of the Prophet), Sep. 22 (Independence Day), Dec. 17 (Korite--End of Ramadan),Dec. 25 (Christmas).
Administrative Districts: Mali is divided into eight administrative regions. There is also a district government in the capital city, Bamako.
Regions (Capitals):
Gao (Gao), Kayes (Kayes), Koulikoro (koulikoro), Mopti (Mopti), Segou (Segou), Sikasso (Sikasso), Tombouctou (Toubouctou), Kidal (Kidal)
Major Cities: Bamako, Segou, Mopti, Sikasso, Kayes