概 况
国 名:大阿拉伯利比亚人民社会主义民众国
Official Name: The Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
国 旗:国旗是一面绿色旗,旗边饰有金黄色旗穗。利比亚是穆斯林国家。绿色是伊斯兰教信奉者所热爱的颜色,人们把绿色看成革命的象征,吉祥和胜利的颜色。
国 徽:一只展翅的金色鹰,鹰的胸脯为一面盾,基座写着阿拉伯文国名的绶带。
Location: Libya is located in North Africa and is bordered by Egypt to the east, Sudan to the south-east, Chad and Niger to the south and Algeria and Tunisia to the west. The Mediteranean Sea lies to north.
面 积:1759540平方公里
Area: 1,759,540 sq.km
Land use - 1.2% cropland, 7.6% permanent pasture, 0.4% forest and woodland, 90.8% other; (mostly desert); arable land per capita 1.7 acres
coastline- 1,900 km. land borders- 4,383 km.
人 口:620多万(2000年)
Population: more than 6,200,000 (2000)
Density- 3 per sq. km.(2000); urban pop- 86.0%; growth rate- 3.1% per year (2000); avg. life expectancy- 68.6 years (2000).
首 都:的黎波里,人口-180万(2000年)
Capital: Tripoli; Population- 1,800,000(2000)
时 差:比格林尼治时间早2小时;比北京时间晚6小时。
Time: 2 hour earlier than GMT; 6 hours later than Beijing Time.
语 言:阿拉伯语为官方语言。在主要城市也讲英语和意大利语。
Language: Arabic is the official language. English and Italian are also spoken in the major cities.
民 族:阿拉伯人和柏柏尔占97%,其它民族(包括埃及人、希腊人、印度人、意大利人、马耳他人、巴基斯坦人、突尼斯人和土耳其人)占3%
Ethnic Composition: Arab and Berber-97%; other (including Egyptian, Greek, Indian, Italian, Maltese, Pakistani, Tunisian, and Turkish-3%
宗 教:主要是伊斯兰教,逊尼派穆斯林占97%;其它宗教占3%
Religion: mostly Islamic, Sunni Moslem 97%; other 3%.
货 币:1利比亚第纳尔=1000迪拉姆;1美元=0.45第纳尔(1999年)
Currency: 1 Libyan dinar=1,000 dirbams; 1 US $=0.45 Libyan dinars (1999)
节 日(2001年):宰牲节(3月6日)、伊斯兰教新年(3月26日)、撤离日(3月28日)、阿术拉节(4月4日)、穆罕默德诞辰(6月4日)、撤离日(6月11日)、革命纪念日(国庆节)(9月1日)、撤离日(10月7日)、穆罕默德升天日(10月15日)、开斋节(12月17日)。
Holidays (2001): 6 March (Id al-Adha, Feast of the Sacrifice), 26 March (Islamic New Year), 28 March (Evacuation Day), 4 April (Ashoura), 4 June (Mouloud, Birth of Muhammad), 11 June (Evacuation Day), 1 September (Revolution Day), 7 October (Evacuation Day), 15 October (Leilat al-Meiraj, ascension of Muhammad), December 17 (Id al-Fitr, end of Ramadan).
These holidays are dependent on the Islamic lunar calendar and may vary by one or two days from the dates given.
Major Cities: Tripoli, Benghazi, Misurata (Misratah), Az Zawiyah, Al Bayda, Agedabia