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 >> 非洲
发布时间:2024-06-20    来源:
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概 况
国 名:马达加斯加共和国
OfficialName: The Republic ofMadagascar
国 旗:由白、红、绿三个条块组成,靠旗杆处为垂直白条块,其余部分上为红条块,下为绿条块。
国 徽:镶黑边的白色国徽,中下部是黑白两色的牛头,牛头两侧为带状稻苗,上方为长着七片叶的棕榈树。
Location:The Republic of Madagascar comprises Madagascar Island, the 4th largest islandin the world, and several much smaller ones in the Western Indian Ocean, about500 km (300 miles) east of Mozambique, in southern Africa. The inland climate istemperate, with temperature between 8-27 degree centigrade. The coastal area istropical, with an average daily maximum of 32 degree centigrade. The high landrainy season extends from November to April with average annual rainfall between1,000 and 1,500 mm . But in the coastal area, the rainy season is much moreprolonged, with an average annual rainfall of 3,500mm.
面 积:627000平方公里。
Area:627,000 sq. km.
Land use--5,3% cropland, 58.5% permanent pasture, 27.1%forests and woodland, 9.1% other; arable land per capita--0.6 acre; Coastlength--4,827km.
人 口:1600多万(2000年)
Population:more than 16 m. (2000)
Density-26.2 inhabs. per sq. km.(2000); urban pop-27.1%; growth rate-3% per year (2000); avg. life expectancy- 62.8 years(2000).
首 都:塔那那利佛;人口—160多万(2000年)
Capital: Antananarivo (Tananarive);Population-more than 1.6 m. (2000)
时 差:比格林尼治时间早3小时;比北京时间晚5小时。
Time: 3hours earlier than GMT; 5 hours later than BeijingTime.
民 族:由18个部族组成,其中较大的有:麦利那(占总人口的26.1%)、贝希米扎拉卡(14.1%)、贝希略(12%)、希米赫特(7.2%)、萨卡拉瓦(5.8%)、安坦德罗(5.3%)和安泰萨卡(5%)等。
EthnicComposition: There are 18 ethnic groups. Among them are Merina (26.1% of thepopulation), Betsimisaraka (14.1%), Betsileo(12%), Tsimihety (7.2%), Skalava(5.8%), Antandroy (5.3%), Antaisaka (5%) andetc.
语 言:法语和马达加斯加语为官方语言,霍瓦语及其他方言也普遍使用。
Language: French and Malagasyare official languages, with Hova and other dialects also widelyspoken.
宗 教:原始宗教占50%,基督教占43%,其余为伊斯兰教。
Religion: 50% Animist beliefs,43% Christianity, othersIslam.
货 币:100分=1马法郎;1美元=5220马法郎(1998.12)
Currency: 100 centimes=1Malagasy Franc (FMG); 1 US$=5,220 FMG(1998.12)
节 日(2001年):新年(1月1日)、烈士节,纪念1947年反法起义纪念日(3月29日)、复活节后星期一(4月16日)、劳动节(5月1日)、耶稣升天节(5月24日)、非统组织日(5月25日)、降灵节(6月4日)、独立日(6月26日)、圣母升天节(8月15日)、万圣节(11月1日)、圣诞节(12月25日)、马达加斯加民主共和国纪念日(12月30日)。
Holidays(2001): 1 January (New Year), 29 March (Martyr's Day, Commemoration of 1947Rebellion), 16 April (Easter Monday), 1 May (Labour Day), 24 May (AscensionDay), 25 May (Organization of African Unity Day), 4 June (Whitsun), 26 June(Independence Day),15 August (Assumption), 1 November (All Saints' Day), 25December (Christmas), 30 December (Anniversary of the Democratic Republic ofMadagascar).
AdministrativeDistricts: The country is divided into 6 Faritany, 111
Fivondro-Nampokotany,1242 Firaisampokotany, 13476 Fokonlona.Former provinces (capitals):Antananarivo, Diego-Suarez, Fianarantson, Majunga, Tamatave,Tulear.
MajorCities: Tananariv, Antsirabe, Toamasina (Tamatave), Fianarantsoa, Majunga(Mahajanga), Tulear, Suarez.